Current Magazine

PunditWire: Deflecting Blame

Posted on the 07 March 2013 by Charlescrawford @charlescrawford

Another piece by me at PunditWire that looks at a magnificent example of using language to demonstrate that 'really' the issue is about something else.

Not a disaster. But the speaker's gloriously moral and meritorious response to it:

I promised both the government and the NHS that I would see that through and I am absolutely determined to do that over the next period… I think I have a duty and a responsibility to manage the organisation over these great changes… We didn’t see any of the information that would lead you to believe that there was all of this going on in Mid Staffordshire. As shocking as it is, that is the truth.

Imagine if a Western government had run a POW hospital like this, causing the deaths of hundreds of prisoners. War crime!

Conclusion? This:

The modern British/European state. A former communist with power over almost everyone, but responsibility for precisely nothing

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