Fashion Magazine

Pumpkin Carving!!

By Shoesfashfit @lolashoelove
Pumpkin Carving!!
On Thanksgiving day, Zac, my sister Becky, and I decided to carve some pumpkins. I LOVE carving pumpkins, especially cooking the seeds afterwards. This is the second time this year we have carved pumpkins and we will probably do it again a couple more times.
Pumpkin Carving!!
Pumpkin Carving!!
Pumpkin Carving!!
This one was mine, it's supposed to be a 'Creeper' from Minecraft! I guess it would look better if it was green! It was a pretty simple design so I just went with it! I'm not that crafty or imaginative!
Pumpkin Carving!!
This one is Zac's and he did it all by himself, and then proceeded to poke holes in it, and give it scars. Typical boy!
Pumpkin Carving!!
Finally, this one is Becky's! It's a companion cube from Portal, pretty awesome isn't it? She was a LITTLE more ambitious then I was!
Pumpkin Carving!!

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