Politics Magazine

Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP

Posted on the 13 February 2013 by Jobsanger

Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP
Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP
Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP
Public Trusts Obama More Than GOP
The charts above were made from information taken from a new poll done by Quinnipiac University. The poll was done between January 30th and February 4th of 1,772 registered voters (and has a margin of error of 2.3 percentage points). The general thrust of the poll is that the public trusts President Obama more than they trust the congressional GOP on a wide range of issues.
The GOP comes closest to President Obama on who is trusted to deal with the deficit (Obama 44% and GOP 42%) and on gun policy (Obama 45% and GOP 43%).  Both of those are within the margin of error. The other areas covered by the poll are more clear-cut, and show more people trust the president than trust the GOP in Congress. Those areas are:
There was another interesting poll that came out this week -- the Washington Post Poll done between January 31st and February 10th of 1,775 nationwide adults (with a margin of error of about 4 points). The poll was interesting to me because it showed again the depth of hatred (racism?) the GOP voters have for President Obama.
This was especially obvious when the respondents were asked about giving undocumented workers a path to citizenship. About 60% of Republicans said they were in favor of that. However, when the same question was asked with President Obama's name attached to the proposal, the support of a path to citizenship fell to only 39% among Republicans. In other words, just saying President Obama supported it caused a 21 point drop in support by Republicans.
Is this further evidence of racism in the Republican base voters? I believe it is. Why else would they change their minds just because the President supported what they said they supported? At the very least it shows the Republican attitude of being against anything supported by the president (even something they would otherwise support). Remember, the health care plan called Obamacare was originally proposed by Republicans during the term of President Clinton. It was only after President Obama embraced the Republican plan that the GOP suddenly turned against it.

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