The Republicans are determined to ram their tax "reform" through Congress this week -- with no compromise with Democrats. The plan gives massive tax cuts for the rich and for corporations, and only tiny cuts to the middle and working classes (and those middle and working class cuts will expire after a few years while the cuts for rich/corporation are permanent).
The Republicans have exposed themselves as the party of monied interests -- a party that has little or no regard for most hard-working Americans. And their plan is a huge redistribution of income and wealth -- from working and middle class Americans to the richest Americans. It would greatly increase the already too large wealth and income gap between the richest people and the rest of the country.
They have hoped that by throwing a small bone to working Americans they could fool them into believing the plan was good for all Americans. So far, they have been wrong. The public oppose the plan (with twice as many opposing it as supporting it).
The charts above tell the story. They are from a new Monmouth University Poll -- done between December 10th and 12th of a random national sample of 806 adults, with a 3.5 point margin of error.