Politics Magazine

Public's Views On Energy More Reasonable Than Leaders

Posted on the 03 April 2014 by Jobsanger
Public's Views On Energy More Reasonable Than Leaders
Right-wingers, like the "Witch of Wasilla", have tried to convince Americans that the way out of our energy problems was to just increase production of the fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) -- and their mantra was "drill, baby, drill". And after the 2010 elections they were able to seek that to many people. Note on the chart above that in 2011 those wanting more production nearly caught up (closed to within 7 points) with those who say more conservation is the best answer.
But that was short-lived. The current gap favors conservation by 23 points, which is more like opinions since 2000. People know that we are not going to drill our way out of our energy problems. There is a finite amount of fossil fuels, especially oil, and we are at or near the point where production will begin to fall no matter how much drilling is done. The only reasonable answer is more conservation, coupled with alternate and renewable energy sources (wind, solar, etc.).
The chart above was made from information in a series of Gallup Polls -- with the last being between March 6th and 9th of a random nationwide sample of 1,048 adults (with a 4 point margin of error). Here are some other results from that poll, showing what the general public supports and opposes. It shows that most Americans are a lot smarter than the teabaggers when it comes to energy.
Government should spend more money developing solar & wind power.
Government should spend more money developing alternate fuels for automobiles.
Higher emissions and pollution standards should be set for businesses and industry.
Federal Environmental regulations should be more strongly enforced.
Mandatory controls should be placed on emissions of CO2 & other greenhouse gases.
Set higher emissions standards for automobiles.
Set stricter standards for extracting natural gas, including fracking.
Expand the use of nuclear energy.

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