Politics Magazine

Public Opposes The GOP/NRA Position On Gun Violence

Posted on the 28 March 2018 by Jobsanger
Public Opposes The GOP/NRA Position On Gun Violence
Public Opposes The GOP/NRA Position On Gun Violence
Public Opposes The GOP/NRA Position On Gun Violence
Public Opposes The GOP/NRA Position On Gun Violence
Public Opposes The GOP/NRA Position On Gun Violence
Public Opposes The GOP/NRA Position On Gun Violence
The congressional Republicans and the NRA are hoping the desire of the public to see stricter gun laws will cool off as it has in the past. They are counting on that. But this time feels different. After the enormously successful march by high school and middle school students last Saturday, the anti-gun violence movement has seen that they have more power than they knew, and for the first time they now believe they can win this fight.
That could be disastrous for Republicans this Fall, no matter how much money the NRA provides them. The public is angry and they don't like the intransigence of the GOP-controlled Congress. They want something done to curb the gun violence. That has been shown by poll after poll. And this new poll just verifies what all the other polls have shown.
The charts above are from the new Public Policy Polling survey -- done between March 23rd and 25th of a random national sample of 846 registered voters, with a 3.4 point margin of error.
By a 22 point margin, the public likes the bravery and passion shown by the students who marched and spoke, and they support them. And by a 5 point margin, the public opposes the NRA. By a 28 point margin, the public wants to see stricter gun laws. By a whopping 79 point margin, the public wants to see ALL gun buyers have to go through a background check. By a 38 point margin, the public wants the sale of military-style assault weapons banned. And by an 18 point margin, the public opposes the arming of school teachers and other school employees.
Those are some pretty strong numbers. I could be wrong, but I don't think this sentiment will die down, and I think a lot of voters are going to carry this into the voting booth in November. I certainly hope so.

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