Politics Magazine

Public Disapproves Of GOP Senators Iran Letter

Posted on the 17 March 2015 by Jobsanger
Public Disapproves Of GOP Senators Iran Letter
The 47 Republican senators who tried to embarrass the president and short-circuit the Talks with Iran by sending Iranian leaders a letter, thought they had pulled off the perfect political stunt. But they were surprised to learn almost no one else thought so. The letter created a firestorm in the media, and has had those Republicans on the defensive ever since.
Now they get some more bad news. It seems the public is not happy with their actions either. A plurality of 42% say the letter was inappropriate, while only 28% see nothing wrong with it. And that view holds through all gender, ages, races, and income levels (except for those over 65, who are split right down the middle). Once again the Republicans have blundered, and find themselves at odds with the feelings of the general public.
The chart above was made from a recent YouGov Poll -- done on March 10th and 11th of a random national sample of 1,000 adults, with a margin of error of 4 points.

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