Politics Magazine

Public Disagrees W/NRA, GOP, And Trump On Gun Violence

Posted on the 26 March 2018 by Jobsanger
Public Disagrees W/NRA, GOP, And Trump On Gun Violence
Public Disagrees W/NRA, GOP, And Trump On Gun Violence
Public Disagrees W/NRA, GOP, And Trump On Gun Violence
Public Disagrees W/NRA, GOP, And Trump On Gun Violence
Public Disagrees W/NRA, GOP, And Trump On Gun Violence
On Saturday, we saw the youth of America make a strong statement demanding action be taken to curb the epidemic of gun violence in this country. They showed up to march by the millions in over 800 cities. But they are not alone. Poll after poll has shown that the public agrees with those young Americans. They know actions could be taken that are constitutional and would not affect the rights of law-abiding citizens -- actions that would prevent many gun deaths each year. And they want that action taken!
The charts above reflect that, and agree with many other polls. These charts reflect the results of a new AP-NORC Poll -- done between March 14th and 19th of a random national sample of 1,192 adults, with a margin of error of 4.2 points.
Note that 69% (about 7 out of 10 people) want gun laws to be stricter -- a higher percentage than in the last few years. And 59% are unhappy with Trump's handling of gun policy, 84% want ALL gun buyers to have a background check (including private sales), and 58% want the sale of assault military-style weapons to be banned.
The only thing the public did NOT want was for teachers and administrators to be armed in schools -- which is the only thing Trump, Republicans, and the NRA support. They are out-of-step with the American public. We need to fix that by voting as many Republicans as possible out of office this November.

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