Family Magazine

Pub Supper Premium Box

By Evette Garside @evette77
Pub Supper premium box

Today I would like to introduce a rather unusual snack box. Have you ever sat down in a nice bar or pub; perhaps a place you rarely or never go and felt a little peckish? So you go to the bar and see what snacks they have. You think that snack is delicious but apart from certain pubs you can't find them anywhere. That's because they are classed as pub snacks and therefore usually only found in pubs, but never your local it seems.

Pub Supper premium is a new subscription box. Starting at £15.00 per month and coming with a variety of at least nine pub snacks. These can include hard to find crisp flavours, nuts, pretzels, pork crackling and more. They all come from different brands and you never know what's inside until you open the box.

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