Religion Magazine

PSA: Yeshivat HaKidma HaTechnologit - Yeshiva, University and Army Service

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

Yeshivat HaKidma HaTechnologit. Combining Limudei Kodesh with a degree from Open University in Computer and Life Sciences. The boys defer their army service while studying, and then go in as a unit, whilst keeping a Kesher with the Yeshiva. They serve in a unit using their Computer skills. It’s a winning arrangement as the guys come out B”H with the life skills to lead a Torah Life as well as a degree and experience in their field.
There will be a parlor meeting tonight (Monday night) - Meet Yeshivat Hakidma HaTechnologit-Introductory Evening
Are you interested in a combined Yeshiva/College Program? Yeshivat HaKidma HaTechnologit cordially invites you to an introductory evening :   Monday evening, eve of the 18th of Adar - ( Feb. 17) at the home of the Grubin Family .   We look forward to seeing you at  20:30 . Nachal Ein Gedi 47/2, Ramat Bet Shemesh . For information contact Dovid Grubin: 052 3434115.
Inspiring and Relevant Limudei Kodesh Program combined with Academic studies for a B.Sc degree in Computers and Life Sciences. Including Prep and Support. No Bagrut or Psychometric requirement!
Interviewing Students ages 16-24  for Spring Semester You can still gain the Semester- Call Now!  For more information please contact Devora Rosenbaum 0585-919272 or 02- 9919272
They contacted me to introduce this. I don't know anything about it besides for what is written here plus a few questions I got answered on the telephone.
It sounds to me like a good program, definitely worth looking into if you have a child at that age. Go to the meeting, hear what and who they are, ask your questions... it is always good to be informed of all the options!

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