The other day there was a protest outside a store in RBS A that sells phones demanding that they get certification and stop selling non-kosher phones. I have no idea if they sell such phones or not (the stores in Geula and Mea Shearim area claimed they did not sell such phones but were simply not certified by the committee). The relevant store being targeted now in RBS is next to Yesh, called Ohr HaCelolar, in the RBS A shopping center. You an see a short clip of the protest at the link above.
Some pashkevilim were thrown around as well:

The pashkevil claims that not only does the store sell the impure devices and causing people to stumble every single day but in recent weeks people have started coming to this store from other neighborhoods as well as it has become the store where anyone who wants to give in to his yetzer to buy a tamei phone goes.
It says even some people from the "yishuv hayashan", the old settlements, meaning Yerushalmim, have fallen prey and lost the purity of their souls.
The pashkevil warns people not to enter or support the store, it is prohibited, it pleads with the store owner to get certified and only sell kosher devices, and wanrs them that if they do not they will start a campaign of massive protests.
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