Hannah Smith aged 14 who took her own life after being tormented by trolls.

Photo Mirror.co.uk.
Ask.fm trolls are believed to have targeted four other teens like Hannah Smith before their suicides. They were Josh Unsworth,15, Ciara Pugsley,15, Erin Gallagher,13, and Jessica Laney,16, took their own lives
More at Mirror.co.uk

Photo mirror.co.uk
The site is run by Russian brothers Mark and Ilja Terebin, who are worth millions. It raked in £6million a year from advertising when it began – and that is now thought to have trebled.
Keep your kids, grandchildren away from this site. Check which sites they have on their PC its easy to do. Delete sites you think unfit.

Josh Unsworth, 15, of Goosnargh, near Preston.

Ciara Pugsley, 15, of Leitrim.

Erin Gallagher, 13, of Donegal.

And Jessica Laney, 16, of Florida.