Graduating from college does not only make one more knowledgeable but also increase their chances of earning a good income. College education comes with a lot of challenges that involve relocating among other things.
Imagine that you have a family or and still need to advance with your studies. Having to move from your home to study might not be an option for you. You need a salary from your job to survive.

The majority of people will just give up studying cause it is impossible in their current state. The good news is that, with the growth in technology , you can now study remotely. There are a lot of colleges across the united states and across the world offering online courses.
Online courses are flexible and offer students an option to balance their professional and personal life with learning. But you still need to learn and have your homework done in time, like in the traditional college. However, they are not for everyone. Some people like doing one thing at a time and thus prefer traditional to remote learning.
1] Traditional Learning
Traditional college learning has both pros and cons as discussed below.
- Digital studying materials. Several traditional college courses are adopting digital learning materials that they can study easily from their laptops, phones, and other portable gadgets. This saves the students money especially for buying textbooks.
- Most of the traditional courses in public institutions give discounts to students from the state on tuition fees.
- Most traditional schools offer quality education in terms of accreditation. This means that the academic results and rigor plus faculty competency is of a high standard.
- School activities. There are schools that reserve the school's events and clubs for the students who are on-campus.
- Rigid schedules. Traditional courses require learners to attend their classes at the time set thus less flexible as compared to online programs.
- Students must submit their assignment before set deadlines and attend discussions for grading.
- Limited joining date options. Programs for on-campus students have a set period, quarterly schedule or a semester, giving students limited dates to consider.
- Purchase of textbooks. Students taking on-campus courses are required to either rent or buy textbooks which can be very costly.
2] Online Programs
Just as the traditional courses, online programs also have some merits and demerits as follows.
- Flexible program. Students studying online are able to access presentations, videos, and other course materials at their own time. They don't need to attend classes on a set schedule.
- Rolling Admissions. Several remote learning programs operation rolling start. This means that a student has multiple classes starting dates to choose from all year round.
- Some online courses allow a discount for in-state students on tuition while others have the same rates for both out and instate students.
- The online campus has a similar accreditation standard as those of traditional colleges.
- The majority of online learning programs use digital materials like websites, libraries, textbooks, and other resources which is cheaper than buying textbooks.
- Online learning enhances professional networking and fosters connections as most of them employ the cohort Format for learning.
- Online courses involve continuous or live discussions and are mandatory for each student to participate. The students must also submit assignments at set deadlines .
- Remote learning offers students less structure as compared to traditional programs. The student must foster self-discipline and motivation to excel.
Before you decide which college to attend whether online or on campus, you need to consider several factors. This includes the format of learning, accreditation, discounts, tuition fee, reputation, location of the college and most importantly your career goals.