Society Magazine

Propelling a Boat !! ~ கடலோரம் கடலோரம் அலைகள் ஓடி விளையாடும்

Posted on the 28 December 2024 by Sampathkumar Sampath

The greatest attraction of living near Marina beach is – Bay of Bengal.Seas offer so much of knowledge, solace, mental peace and more ! stand near the shore, enjoy the waves coming again and again to your feet or just sit and observe the sound of music !! – you see fishing boats nearer andsome ships at a long long distance.

Propelling a boat !! ~ கடலோரம் கடலோரம்    அலைகள் ஓடி விளையாடும்

At Oriental Insurance, in Kakinada, we insured lots of fishing boats – have seen various sizes of Trawlers at Kakinada near Jagnaickpur and have traveled a few times in them too !!!

கடலோரம் கடலோரம்   அலைகள் ஓடி விளையாடும்

வலை வீசு வலை வீசுவாட்டம் பார்த்து வலை வீசு

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இந்த அருமையான பாடலை கேட்டு இருப்பீர்கள் ? - படத்தின் பெயர் - ?- 'கடல்மீன்கள்' அல்ல

Propulsion is the subject matter of this post.Propulsion is the generation of force by any combination of pushing or pulling to modify the translational motion of an object, which is typically a rigid body (or an articulated rigid body) but may also concern a fluid. The term is derived from two Latin words: pro, meaning before or forward; and pellere, meaning to drive. A propulsion system consists of a source of mechanical power, and a propulsor (means of converting this power into propulsive force).

A general derivation of the thrust equation shows that the amount of thrust generated depends on the mass flow through the engine and the exit velocity of the gas. Different propulsion systems generate thrust in slightly different ways.

For the forty years following the first flight of the Wright brothers, airplanes used internal combustion engines to turn propellers to generate thrust. Today, most general aviation or private airplanes are still powered by propellers and internal combustion engines, much like our automobile engine. The engine takes air from the surroundings, mixes it with fuel, burns the fuel to release the energy in the fuel, and uses the heated gas exhaust to move a piston which is attached to a crankshaft. In the automobile, the shaft is used to turn the wheels of the car. In an airplane, the shaft is connected to a propeller.

   If we think about Newton's first law of motion, we realize that an airplane propulsion system must serve two purposes. First, the thrust from the propulsion system must balance the drag of the airplane when the airplane is cruising. And second, the thrust from the propulsion system must exceed the drag of the airplane for the airplane to accelerate.

Marine propulsion is the mechanism or system used to generate thrust to move a ship or boat across water. While paddles and sails are still used on some smaller boats, most modern ships are propelled by mechanical systems consisting of a motor or engine turning a propeller. Marine engineering is the discipline concerned with the design of marine propulsion systems. The three most common types of boat propulsion systems are sterndrive (inboard/outboard drive or I/O), inboard motors, and outboard motors.

To non-Mariners, there are lot of things incomprehensible.The Marine connotation here has nothing to do with Insurance but a reference to person who sails, navigates in water-borne vessels – be it a ship or some smaller vessel. A learned person once told me that me there are many similarities of a ship and hence lot can be understood by knowing about Fishing trawler.

For many of us who have not seen ship in close quarters, the fishing boats offer a good chance.. the trawlers are commonly seen in most coastal areas. They are fishing vessels – slightly bigger boats used to catch fish in sea, or even in lakes and rivers.Depending on the purpose, the length of voyage and other factors, the vessels vary in size and in their power and capacity.There appears not much of standardization of fishing boats.. there are some which go for fishing and return in hours, some go early in the morning and return mid-day or evening; then there are others which go for 3 / 5 / 7 or more days of voyage.Smaller boats are made up of fiber glass; bigger ones are of wood and steel too.

Propelling a boat !! ~ கடலோரம் கடலோரம்    அலைகள் ஓடி விளையாடும்

Smaller fishing vessels like one seen here or some katamarans (Kattumaram) use Outboard motors.An outboard motor is a propulsion system for boats and is one of the most common motorized methods for propelling watercraft. Unlike inboard motors, this type of motor is designed to be installed outside the boat on the transom—which leaves more room in the interior of the boat.Here is a small vessel making its way into the sea!:


முதலில் கண்ட பாடலின் வரிகள் பஞ்சு அருணாச்சலம் எழுத இசைஞானி இளையராஜாவின் இன்னிசையில் ஜேசுதாஸ் குரலில் -   ஆனந்த ராகம் படத்தில் ஒலித்தது.'தாமரை செந்தூர்பாண்டி' எழுதிய 'அலைகள் ஓய்வதில்லை' என்ற நாவலை தழுவி இத்திரைப்படம் எடுக்கப்பட்டது.

Interesting !!
Regards – S Sampathkumar

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