Politics Magazine

Progressive Wishes For The New Year

Posted on the 11 January 2013 by Jobsanger
Progressive Wishes For The New YearMy friend and fellow Texas progressive, David Van Os, has written an interesting new post on his blog called Notes From A Texas Patriot. He called it his New Year Wish List. I thought it was excellent, so I am reposting it here (with his blessing):
Ten days into the year 2013 (and 19 days into a new era if the ancient Mayans were correct), and here is my wish list. What’s yours?GREED: That greed be universally denounced and treated as a vice not a virtue, and taught as such in our schools including our schools of business, economics, and law.WORKER RIGHTS: That the rights to worker self-organization, concerted activity for mutual aid and protection, and collective bargaining be recognized as universal human and civil rights, and taught as such in our schools in core academic subjects.BILL OF RIGHTS: That the wars against the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 14th Amendments masquerading under the so-called “war on drugs” and “war on terror” come to a swift end; with all anti-Bill of Rights laws such as the Patriot Act and the detention sections of the National Defense Authorization Act repealed, all laws against private possession and use of natural plants that grow out of the ground repealed, all persons imprisoned under all such laws released, and all criminal convictions and liabilities under such laws dissolved and expunged.BILL OF RIGHTS: That in all other respects the Bill of Rights be restored in all aspects of our society, and taught as a core academic subject from the earliest years of schooling.RULE OF LAW: That George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and all other applicable members of their administration, be criminally prosecuted for their crimes against humanity, the United States Constitution, United States laws, State laws, and international laws and treaties.GET THE HOGS OUT OF THE TROUGH: That public roads belong exclusively to the public and private interests not be allowed to profit off their use by the public.PRIVATE PROPERTY & HOGS OUT OF THE TROUGH: That private property never be forcibly taken from the owner by eminent domain for use by private for-profit interests.RIGHT TO MARRIAGE: That the right to civil marriage be recognized as a universal human and civil right.CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: That capital punishment be abolished due to the inherent imperfection of human judgment and the inherent cruelty of state-sponsored killing; with exceptions for willful genocide and willful mass murder based on direct proof from multiple sources.FAIR TAXATION: That people with lower incomes never be taxed at higher rates than people with higher incomes.CORPORATE PERSONHOOD: That the judicial error falsely elevating corporations to the status of persons under the 14th Amendment be reversed and/or corrected.STEWARDS OF THE EARTH: That it be universally recognized that we are stewards of the natural earth, that we must treat it with care and respect, and that such be taught on an equal priority with all other academic courses from the earliest years of schooling.THE PEOPLE UNITED: That grassroots Democrats and grassroots Republicans realize they usually have more in common with each other than the power elites, who seek to divide and conquer, want them to realize.THE POWER OF BANKERS: That the power to control the nation’s money supply and the power to dictate interest rates be taken away from the organization of private banks known as the Federal Reserve Board.MONOPOLIES: That the vigorous enforcement of antitrust laws be restored. As it is said in Article 1, Section 27 of the Texas Constitution: “monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free government, and shall never be allowed”REGULATING FIREARMS: That Article 1, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution be a model for the authority of government to enact reasonable regulation of the wearing and use of firearms: “RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS: Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms for the lawful defense of himself or the State; but the Legislature shall have the power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime.”COUNTING VOTES: That the counting of votes in a democracy never be contracted out to private companies, that all voting systems include tangible paper ballots that can be counted manually and visually, that all counting be done in the presence of observers for all interested parties, and that the desire of media organizations for speedy news stories never be given priority over the accurate counting of every vote.THE FALSE CULT OF THE MARKET: That the false cult of “free market” economics collapse into the dustbin of history where it belongs.Respectfully,David Van Os

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