Fashion Magazine

Product Review: Vitabrid C12 Hair Tonic Set

By Stilettosanddiaperbags @Sadbblog
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To say I was excited to try out this Vitabrid C12 hair tonic set is an understatement. There were many reasons I wanted to test it out for 30 days, but the main reason was postpartum hair loss. After giving birth to my kids, I had hair loss sections on both sides of my head. I had my second child six years ago now, and my hair never grew back in those areas. Postpartum hair loss is very common but it is also common for that hair to come back 6-12 months after your child is born.
Before I get into all of that, and the before and after photos, let me tell you a bit about the product. "Active vitamin C powder coupled with a specially formulated hair tonic. An anti-hair loss and hair regrowth solution. Hair loss is caused by deficiency of collagen. Active vitamin C promotes collagen production. Experience the hair regrowth and hair thickening with Vitabrid C12 HAIR through collagen synthesis (vital hair regrowth factor) and scalp soothing."
To activate the product you pour the powder solution into the liquid one and shake well. You need to use all of the solution in the 30 day window, which was even more incentive to use it all. Waste not, want not and all that!  
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Is it weird that I never thought to do anything about my hair loss before? I mean other then styling my hair with a center part most days and alternating between that and bangs every few years. Honestly, I just thought it was one of the many perks to being a mom! I went all in on this product, using it religiously, twice daily, and I have to say I really enjoyed using it. Your scalp gets this tingling clean feeling after you spray it on and I didn't just use it on the areas I wanted to see re-growth, I used it on all of my roots. It got rid of any dandruff that I had, which was an added bonus, and in the end after 30 days I am thrilled to report my hair is actually growing back! As you can see in the before and after shots taken below, the hair has actually grown quite a bit in just one month. It seems to be growing back thicker as well. Imagine what it will look like if I keep this up! My only issue is that I didn't know about this product sooner. DOH! ;)
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Have you ever heard of or tired this product before? Do you plan to try it out now? I highly recommend this one you guys! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today.
xoProduct Review: Vitabrid C12 Hair Tonic Set

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