FPSI – Future Problem Solving Program International – is an international program that was developed in 1975 by the American psychologist Ellis Paul Torrance.
The mission is:
“To develop the ability of young people globally to design and achieve positive futures through problem solving using critical and creative thinking.”
Students are asked to find creative solutions to future problems. In the videos below you can see Topics for 2021-22. Topics such as Water Supply, Insects, Building Green, and Human Environmental Impact.
Students can suggest future topics that they find interesting. Of course, the list is not complete?
What Future Problem Solving Topics would you like to add for 2022.
Why is/are the topic/s important to you?
In the last couple of years, Gijs and I, have explored various topics such as Climate Change, and Corona Virus. We are looking for new ideas so we are grateful if you suggest Future Topics for 2022. Thanks!