Food & Drink Magazine

Primark, Sunderland – A Shopping Adventure

By Richard Randall @aude11360

On Monday afternoon the postman delivered a nice surprise, an envelope containing 2 Primark gift cards. Happy Days!
I think I won the shopping vouchers via a competition on a Bauer Media site, but there was no comp slip/covering note enclosed with the vouchers, so I’m not a 100% certain.
primark gift cardOn Tuesday morning we, Mrs.R came along too, drove to the nearest Primark, which is about 20 minutes up the road in Sunderland.
We decided to go early to avoid the traffic. I parked in the The Bridges Shopping Centre carpark, so it was only a short walk from the car before I started browsing the rails in Primark.
I had only planned to be in Primark for about 30 minutes, I’m usually a very quick shopper, but £150 goes a really long way in Primark.
Thirty minutes in, and one basket full of clothes, and I’d hardly made a dent in my £150 budget. By the time we’d finished shopping, we had two of their large baskets overflowing with various items, and ended up spending about 90 minutes shopping.
IMG_3282As I shopped I kept a running total of the spend. It was a long process to reach the £150 mark, but eventually I managed to get to the target – £151. Along the way some amazing bargains ended up in the shopping baskets. For example, I got five pairs of navy chinos for for a mere £1 a pair. Yes, you read that correctly – one pound per pair.
My total Primark haul was: 1 jacket, 2 pairs of shoes, 2 t-shirts, pair of sunglasses, a belt, 3 pairs of jeans, 6 pairs of chinos, 2 long sleeve tops, 5 shirts, 2 zip up tops, 1 pair of shorts.

The shopping experience itself was fine, apart from the fact that there were no changing rooms in the mens department, you had to go down the escalator to the floor below. Thankfully everything I took into the changing room fitted me, but if any of the items hadn’t fitted, I wouldn’t have enjoyed having to traipse up and down the escalator multiple times to get smaller/larger sizes.

Blog post by Richard Randall

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