Lifestyle Magazine

Primark is Now Online!?

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
Hi Pixies! Just a quick post today, in fact it's more of a update rather than an actual post to be honest but that defiantly doesn't mean that it's any less important. Now, onto the goods:
Primark is now online!?picture found on google images.
Big news! Primark is now available to buy online, viva ASOS of all places which seems rather odd to  me but hey ho, maybe after this Primark will finally get around to having a online shop of their own. Hint hint! So when you realize that the dress that you've had your eye on for the past few weeks have run out of your size in your local, have no fear, the Internet is now here!
Well, like I said, that's about it. Let me know in the comments how you feel about this.
Primark is now online!?

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