Books Magazine

Preview: Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract by John Byrne

Posted on the 03 April 2012 by Comicscritic @comicscritic

Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract by John ByrneCold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract

Press release

Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract
John Byrne (w & a & c)

Acclaimed creator John Byrne releases his latest creation, MI-6 agent Michael Swann. In Swann’s opening adventure, “The Damocles Contract,” the secret agent is called on to stop a defecting British scientist from granting the Soviets complete nuclear dominion over the free world… promising ample doses of intrigue and espionage.

TPB · FC · $19.99 · 120 pages · ISBN 978-1-61377-177-8

· “Fans of James Bond will really enjoy this comic.” –

· “It’s got a solid, enjoyable story. Equal amounts of action, intrigue and mystery. Seriously, PICK UP THIS COMIC!” –

Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract coverCold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 1Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 2Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 3Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 4Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 5Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 6Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 7Cold War, Vol. 1: The Damocles Contract 8

- The Comic Book Critic

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