Health Magazine


By Zer @the2women


All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…

~William Shakespeare, As You Like It, II, vii

It’s hard to believe it’s been two years (tomorrow) since we began the journey that is 2WC.

On this the eve of our two-year anniversary it’s only natural to reminisce about where we’ve been and, of course, where we haven’t.  Movies, television, politics,  and a general awareness of the world around us have all been on the docket in the past.

Even for the casual visitor to 2WC, I’m sure it’s hard to ignore our clear affinity for film and television.  However, friends (in the real world sense) of the Crusaders can tell you that our hearts truly lie in the theater.

Not so much in the “give me that spotlight” sense.  Our love of theater lies in our appreciation of what it can do, and where it can take us (metaphorically speaking).  We love its immediacy, its unpredictability, and its capacity to spontaneously burst into a song and dance number.

Yet, we have yet to review it.  We’ve occasionally wandered in that direction, but not in the organized way which we’ve approached film.

No more.  Today’s a preview of what will hopefully be an extensive and ongoing journey into the world of theater reviews:

The Show: The Great Fire

The Theater: Lookingglass Theatre (love you guys)

The Disclaimer: Seeing as we are not official members of the press, and our time and finances are a little more limited, we did attend a preview performance.  For those who don’t speak theater, that means the show wasn’t officially open.  Also, changes were still being made and processes being fine tuned.  So maybe we should think of it as a highly focused, but decidedly less critical review of the process.

The Review:  Coming Next Week!

…Sorry, but after much discussion, it made sense to wait until the official opening (Oct. 1st).  Something for you to look forward to this week.

Also, look for even more change coming a little sooner.  It is our two-year anniversary after all.  You can’t expect us to do nothing.


Because we love them you should check out Lookingglass Theatre‘s page…seriously click away…

…bi-daily smile…

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