Family Magazine

Preventing Gender-based Abortions

By Newsanchormom

I do think it's wrong to abort a baby based on gender. I would think a majority of people would agree with that. However, making all parents wait to find out the gender of their baby until 30 weeks is a terrible idea. Why do that to the majority of people because a select few may abort their child if it's the wrong sex. Good grief! There are a lot of bad things people "might" do.Preventing gender-based abortions

FROM NBC: Doctors should not tell pregnant women the sex of their baby until 30 weeks into a pregnancy, one physician is arguing, taking a stance that is sure to be controversial.

By not revealing a fetus' sex, doctors could prevent abortions related to the sex of the baby, according to Dr. Rajendra Kale, interim editor-in-chief of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The practice of "sex selection," or the aborting of female fetuses because of a preference for sons, is an issue in several Asian countries, and may also be done by some immigrants in Canada and the United States, Kale said.

-NewsAnchorMom Jen

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