Fashion Magazine

Pretty Little Liars Fashion: This is a Dark Ride

By Covethercloset @covethercloset

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Copyright ABC Fami

The most recent episode of Pretty Little Liars: This is a Dark Ride featured Hanna wearing possibly the largest necklace of all time.  The weird thing is, I like her outfit and its accessories alone as part of an outfit, just not all together.

Hanna’s necklace by BCBGeneration (no longer available), skirt by Helmut Lang, Green bag by Pour La Victoire (Marlowe), studded blazer by Zara, shoes by Sam Edelman.

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Copyright ABC Family

Aria sort of missed the mark as well, in my opinion.  Her Freddy Krueger blazer by Bailey 44 work over her Lulu’sblack lace dress that looks more like a shirt with equally loud patterned tights was a little much for me.

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Copyright ABC Family

Spencer wore an ill fitting boring colored dress.  The best part of the outfit is the Anthropologie belt.  Which I wrote about many months ago!

 Find all Pretty Little Liars Outfits here

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