So, Blackpool had me on some mad thing during 2022, no I did not stay in my hotel bed after that Friday night out! Preston had caught my eye during that pre-trip research period, I wanted to try a Lancashire 'Butter Pie' at Preston Market! Preston's 'Grade II' listed bus station deserved me to pass on by, I was curious! Sure, I did power through after that pint of 'Electric Boogaloo!'

Why Preston? I say 'why the hell not?!' There's no secret that I used my time differently in Blackpool first time around, wanting to squeeze all of the juice from that orange, I jumped onboard a Northern train from Blackpool North Railway Station after my breakfast at Brene Hotel. Booking my train tickets ahead of time had me sitting pretty, in fact nobody checked my ticket and the hangover was too much cope with. Preston had me soaking up its Lancashire nature within about 20 minutes from Blackpool, why had I not toyed with this idea during 2014? Who knows? I don't! Walking up from the station onto 'Fishergate' saw me exploring Preston with my usual zest for adventure, albeit at a slower pace for once. Turning onto 'Cheapside', I then saw my first port of call in the city. 'Market Square' served me a smaller city center round with a warmer feeling, it didn't serve any chaos and for that I was thankful for. Definitely, I liked what I saw around the square in Preston's city center. Getting out of Blacks felt great, it did Pre!
From where I took the photo of 'Market Square', just behind me stood the 'Preston Cenotaph'. A war memorial that commemorates those fallen during both World War I & II, given listed status in 1991, that was a whole 65 years since it was unveiled to the public in 1926. I actually really like the whole feeling of the 'public square' space in Preston, there was a quiet sense of being and that was fine by me. Now, that was enough history for my hungover self to process, taking a seat on some stone surface felt like the right thing for me to do. Reconnecting with a friend who's in Xi'An, China had me distracted for a little bit. That friend was doing good, he sounded as if he was in good spirits and I couldn't argue with that. Another friend who's in the Middle Kingdom caught me whilst I was in Preston, equally happy for him I picked myself back up from that seated situation. That full English breakfast had me feeling sustained but I wanted to try something uniquely local to Preston, I needed to keep on moving. Oh, it was 'St. George's Day!'

Those 'Apple Maps' had me taking all the correct turns, I didn't have the mental capacity to get lost during that Preston early afternoon. 'Preston Market' found me, although I didn't mean it no harm, I knew exactly what I was looking for! Clocking the famous 'Wallace & Gromit' statue was a done thing! I had already gone ahead to do some pre-trip research about the market because I had heard about those local 'Butter Pies' and that Wallace & Gromit's statue celebrated Preston's 'Nick Park!'. After some reading, I found out that 'Nick Park' had met the duo behind 'Aardman' with his creative materials. That became the making for 'A Grand Day Out'. The statue of 'Wallace & Gromit' took me back to my childhood because 'Wallace' was wearing those famous 'Wrong Trousers!' Onto the next thing, I made my way into the market hall with a plan in mind, that plan had no place to hide, I had things to get done in Preston! I had already tweeted 'Preston Market' beforehand, I was on the hunt for 'Aunty Dolly's Cafe'. I was hanging on, I was!
Preston's own market hall was a hive of activity with people eating, drinking and conversating in every single direction possible! It was like 'sensory overload' in the best way, I had my destination in mind but as I walked through the market hall, I couldn't help but stay mesmerised at all times! Phew! I found 'Aunty Dolly's Cafe' with ease, ordering my butter pie, chips and mushy pies. I chose to rehydrate with a nice hot cup of tea, believe me I needed that Lancashire brew at 'Preston Market!' I really don't like 'mushy peas' but I wanted that photo opportunity to be fulfilled completely, after a short wait my lunch was served to me with a smile. I tried the 'butter pie' with an open mind, something inside me couldn't deal with it but I knew that I had tried it for all the right reasons. For me it was about the experience, there was no shade thrown towards the establishment or the market because it was my choice to order such a local food. Real talk, the gravy soaked chips went down like a treat and the tea also! Yes, Preston! I tired it!

My inner 'transport geek' fell madly in love with Preston's preserved 1960's bus station! I had known about those curved panels setting ever the trend, I had to take a glimpse of this 'listed' Lancashire 'transport interchange'. I was deeply impressed by that 'blast from the past', truly I had a good look from a distance and then up close. The adjoining elevated walkway connecting the bus station with another building, I loved every second examining that bus station without shame. I found out later on that the space-age outer bus stop has been repurposed as the 'Megabus' stops, quote me if I am wrong! Go on, I am open to learning more about this listed transportation hub. Of course, I had to have a nose of the stations interior. Now, I didn't exist until the early 90's but the 'time capsule' design had me gagged with amazement! Every single detail had been restored, it felt as if I was walking through a piece of history, modern history. I did look at taking the bus from Blackpool but the train won, how I needed speed that Saturday!
All in all, my snapshot of a visit to 'Preston Bus Station' might well have been a random choice but it was truly a fascinating place to see as an outsider. Moving on from that retro transportation hub, I embarked on a random walk towards what looked like a chimney. I had read on my phone that Preston had been a huge manufacturer of cotton, mostly known for their spinning of the wooly white stuff. Unfortunately, that chimney looking point in the distance wasn't so. I walked as far as the 'Lancashire Infantry Museum' before I decided to turn around. Up until that point I had seen a favourable amount of Preston, for that I wasn't bothered by that unsuspecting dead end, no worries to be had. Backtracking to that retro bus station, I am very much a fan of our Great British 'Brutalist' architecture because it might look stark and gray but it's ours! I think underneath our 'Brutalist' exterior, as people they are much friendly the further north we travel! Preston had me feeling some kind of way, the best kind of way! Surely, Preston!

On my last legs, a certain grandeur fronted me as I was stopped dead on the corner of Lancaster Road, I needed to take a second to look closer. 'Miller Arcade' had my full attention, at that point my attention was totally shot into a million pieces because the hangover had struck me down, badly! The 'Victorian Era' former hotel had me transfixed, the style of the whole building had me wanting to know more! 'Smashed' was there to save my faltering state with an afternoon beverage of an alcoholic nature, call it a livener! Getting to that stage, I decided to order a pint of the 'Tiny Rebel: Passion-fruit Electric Boogaloo' because it called out to me from within the barrel that lay behind the bar! Settling down with my life saving pint of life, that yellow pale ale literally brought me back to a state of living life, no word of a lie! I loved the uncomplicated vibe within Preston's Smashed. Of course, the order of the night ahead would be to get 'Smashed' all over again later on! Until then, Pre had me covered! Before my BPL return, that pint lifted me!
Best believe, I have already looked online to see where I can buy a case load of that 'Electric Boogaloo' IPA Beer! Smashed had me on my way, leaving after one pint had me feeling conflicted but I knew that the lights of Blackpool awaited my triumphant return, everything achieved that day was nothing short of a miracle! Preston had taken me by the hand, guided me patiently around those key sights to see me through with a drink before packing me back off on the train. I may not have liked my 'butter pie' but the experience was worth more than anything, I ate what I could and laid that pursuit to rest. Now, Preston! Tell me something? Was that departing train to Blackpool North some kind of party train? Honestly, Preston's platform one was hyped up to the max, I needed another livener to cope with that surge of 'Saturday Something!' Preston served everything to me and more, with a smile and kind nature, I was impressed with that Lancs city! Electric Boogaloo, I'm determined to find you again! Trust me!
Precisely, Preston!
Desperately Seeking Adventure