The Lord Lieutenant, Sheriff and Lord Mayor of Southport presented the Double Queens Awards to Inciner8 Limited, a local manufacturer and exporter of waste incinerators.
The awards were presented along with a hand-carved crystal bowl and signed scroll to be used for the next 4 years.
The Lord Lieutenant and Mayor were introduced to the team at inciner8 last Thursday (26 th August) and were shown around the factory on Canning Rd where most of the assembly takes place.
During their visit they were also shown the Waste to Energy Incineration system that won the innovation award this year.

The Lord Lieutenant said: "The Awards we are celebrating here are not to be sniffed at - only the very best companies are selected to win these accolades, and I must say I was very proud to hear that one of the few businesses to win 2 awards this year was located within the North West".