Schooling Magazine

Prepare Them For The Path

By Mrsebiology @mrsebiology
I am a Facebook addict, and I read tons of articles that pop up on my feed.  I even read articles about parenting, even though I am not a parent (I prefer other people's children).  I came across this article yesterday on my feed, and there is a line in there that really made me think:
"A good parent prepares the child for the path, not the path for the child."
Now, I have no experience with parenting, but I do have a little bit of experience with teaching and learning - and when I read that quote, I stopped, read it again, and then read it like this:
"A good teacher prepares the student for the learning, not the learning for the student."
How often do we set up learning experiences so detailed and meticulous that we end up taking all of the thinking and learning and struggling out of it for students, all in the name of being a "good teacher?"  I think a good teacher helps students more by helping them experience what they will really experience on their path through life - problem-solving, figuring it out, failing, trying again, failing some more, and trying some more.  Only then can they learn the processes they will use when they encounter what we know they will encounter in life - the unexpected.
Prepare them for the path, don't create a path for them that they will never travel.

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