
Pregnant Mum Was Lured Into Fake Baby Shower By A Friend Only To Have Her Baby Removed From Her Womb (Full Story)

Posted on the 19 March 2024 by Info4blog
Pregnant Mum Was Lured Into Fake Baby Shower By A Friend Only To Have Her Baby Removed From Her Womb (Full Story)

Flavia, the 24-year-old victim, was nearing the conclusion of her pregnancy when she was invited to a baby shower, according to the prosecution. A friend of the pregnant woman said she was a compassionate person who trusted people, but this time she did not.

She was 36 weeks pregnant when an old school buddy duped her into thinking she was getting a baby shower. The 26-year-old “friend” also persuaded Flavia to attend the fictitious party with the aid of her partner.

After Flavia’s buddy was successful in convincing the expectant mother to visit the location under the guise of a baby shower, she and her companion attacked Flavia with the purpose of stealing her unborn child.

They succeeded in their plan by preying on the prospective mother, who had no idea they could have such evil intentions. Later, the perpetrator acknowledged that he killed Flavia with a brick and discarded her body in a pottery yard. The baby was not present when Flavia’s husband and mother eventually located her body the following day after searching for her all day. In the meantime, Flavia’s former classmate and her partner had abducted the infant, who wasa patient at the hospital, Cecilia. The hospital workers became suspicious when they saw cuts on the child’s back. Additionally, the buddy didn’t appear to have recently given birth to a child. According to The Post, all of these indicators led the employees to believe that there had been some sort of criminal activity……..See More

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