Tecno has already launched its first fold screen smartphone earlier this year. The name of this device is Tecno Phantom V Fold 5G. During launching, its price was listed at Rs 77,777, which was for a limited time. This price is almost half that of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4. Pre-booking of this handset of Techno has started, which will run till 27th April. During this time there is a chance to buy this phone cheaply. Although now its price is different from the old price.
The latest price of Tecno Phantom V Fold 5G is now Rs.88,888 and will continue till April 27. It is available for pre-booking on Amazon. The report claimed that the company has rapidly increased its production in Noida. It will be available for sale from April 28.
Offer on pre booking of Tecno Phantom V Fold
Pre-booking of Tecno Phantom V Fold is going on and 24 months no cost EMI is being offered on it. This installment will be Rs 3704 per month. Along with this, users will get an exchange bonus of Rs.8000. Along with this, the option of one time screen replacement will be available from Amazon. Along with this, users can avail 1 year extended warranty.
Thank you for your overwhelming love and support!!
Prebooking starts again tomorrow at 10 am on AmazonGet ready!
To Prebook on Amazon: https://t.co/Dj51xuXcv7#techno #PhantomVFold #BeyondTheExtraordinary #5G #mobile #smartphone pic.twitter.com/gaZtekFO8Q— TECNO Mobile India (@TecnoMobileInd) April 22, 2023
Specifications of Tecno Phantom V Fold
Tecno Phantom V Fold has a 7.85-inch AMOLED LPTO display. Its resolution is 2K+ and refresh rates are 120Hz. It has an aspect ratio of 8:7. This phone has a 6.42-inch AMOLED cover display and will get Full HD+ resolution. Its refresh rates are of 120Hz.
Chipset of Tecno Phantom V Fold
This phone will work on Android 13 operating system based HiOS 13 fold UI. Dimensity 9000 Plus chipset, LPDDR5x RAM and UFS 3.1 storage option will be seen in this fold smartphone. Virtual RAM of 9 GB can be seen in it.
Camera setup of Tecno Phantom V Fold
Talking about the camera setup of Tecno Phantom V Fold, it has a 32-megapixel front camera on the back panel. Also, it has a 16-megapixel selfie camera on the second screen. It will get a 50MP primary camera. Apart from this, a 13-megapixel ultra wide angle lens will be available. Also, it has a 50-megapixel telephoto camera.