Politics Magazine

PRC Nuclear Envoy Wu Dawei Meets with Kim Kye Gwan

Posted on the 27 August 2013 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW
Chinese Special Envoy Wu Dawei (L) DPRK 1st Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Kye Gwan (R)

Chinese Special Envoy Wu Dawei (L) DPRK 1st Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Kye Gwan (R)

DPRK 1st Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Kye Gwan met China’s special envoy on Korean Peninsula Affairs Wu Dawei on 27 August (Tuesday).  According to KCNA Kim and Wu “met and had a friendly talk.”  Attending the meeting were officials from the DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the PRC’s charge d’affaires ad interim.  Wu arrived in the DPRK on 26 August (Monday) and, according to DPRK state media was greeted at the airport by”functionaries from relevant sectors and the PRC charge d’affaires to the DPRK.”

Filed under: 12 February 2013 Nuclear Test, Central Committee, DPRK Cabinet, DPRK External Relations, DPRK-China Relations, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, North Korean press, Six Party Talks

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