After a lonnnnnnnngggggggg day of traveling, I landed in Prague. Exhausted, I made it to my AirBnB in the Karlin neighborhood after only taking one wrong tram ride. Actually, it was the right one, just going the wrong direction.
I tried to stay awake, but finally gave in and took a 45 minute nap. After that, a walk around the neighborhood and a .5L of Pilsner Urquell left me feeling revived. It’s amazing what a nap, a walk, and a beer will do. I felt equipped to achieve my goal of staying up long enough to go to bed at a normal time so I could reset my body clock. It worked. I finished out Day 1 at one of Prague’s best craft beer bars: Pivovarsky Klub. With a nice venison goulash and a few beers in my belly, I called it a day and walked back to the apartment and crashed.

The View from my AirBnB

The Draft Tower at the Famous Pivovarsky Klub

Benedict Lezak 12

Kynspersky Zajic Tmavy 12
50.091420 14.454449