Pitch Me. I’m open to all proposals with the exception of gambling and adult entertainment. I’m currently base in County Durham, England.
Traffic report (Google Adsense) from April 2013 (blog launch) until 1st December 2013 for http://randallssoapbox.com/.
Social Media Reach:
Personal Facebook (4000+ Friends): http://www.facebook.com/richard.randall1
Zoqy Travel & Lifestyle Blog Facebook Page (2,300+ fans): http://www.facebook.com/ZoqyBlog
My wine,food and drinks industry facebook page (25,000+ fans): http://www.facebook.com/WorldWineWineNetwork
My YouTube Channel (360+ travel and lifestyle videos):?http://www.youtube.com/user/ZoqyBlog/
Twitter: @ZoqyBlog (photofeed)
@aude11360 (General,food,beer, tech, wine +++)
Instagram @zoqyphoto
Google+ Page ‘Zoqy Travel & Lifestyle Blog’ https://plus.google.com/102128848192484685138
Plus I also share on Flickr, Tumblr etc.
Contact me with your pitch.