WhatsApp Has rolled out some new features to make chat better than before through the latest update. Earlier all these features were in beta testing phase. Now finally the instant messaging app has rolled out these features for all users with a new update. In these new features, 3 new poll related features have been rolled out, including Create single-vote polls, Search for polls in your chats and Stay updated on poll results. Apart from this, Forwarding with Captions and Sharing Documents with Captions features have also been rolled out. Let’s know the details.
WhatsApp informed about the new update through its latest blog post. The new update has brought many new features for the users, including 3 new features related to polls. Let me tell you, the instant messaging app had rolled out the polling feature on WhatsApp some time ago. Now these poll features are getting many new upgrades. These are the three latest upgrades-
These updates were found in the Polls feature
Create single-vote polls: As such, users are able to give multiple answers to multiple questions in WhatsApp polls. However, when the poll creator only needs 1 answer, this new feature will come in handy. In this feature, the poll creator can limit the answer to the question to only 1 vote. Simply put, after this update, users participating in polling will be able to choose only one option from the given option.
Search for polls in your chats: This new feature found through the update will help users to find new and old polls present in the chat. Now like photos and videos, you will be able to search polls by applying filters.
Stay updated on poll results: In this update, users will be provided notification of votes coming in polling. Through these notifications, you will be able to get information that how many people present in the group have cast their vote in the poll.
These updates found in captions
Forwarding with Captions: Earlier the facility of writing captions was not available while forwarding photos and videos. However, now after the new update, you will be able to write captions while forwarding any photo or video. This feature was in the testing phase for a long time. Now finally the company has rolled it out for everyone.
Sharing Documents with Captions: Not only photos and videos, now you will be able to write captions even while sharing documents. Earlier there was no facility to write captions while sharing documents on WhatsApp.