Arts & Crafts Magazine

Postal Chair–part 1

By Unitherapy @UniTherapy

Uni-Therapy: Postal Chair 1Uni-Therapy: Postal Chair 2

After buying what Tom calls an ‘atrocious chair’, we decided to give it a new look (to make it a little less atrocious in Tom’s eyes. This is the first time we’re trying a chair with nails, so don’t judge if we fail miserably.

We got the nails out with a screwdriver and a pair of pliers, but we didn’t manage to salvage a single nail! We’ll have to find a way to get them out a little more carefully. Anyway, we got the nails out, and the staples that were beneath the nails. We ended up with a pretty clean chair. Along the way it became clear that the chair had been reupholstered before, we think the original was a reed chair. You can see the reed holes in the last picture.

Now it’s off to the Lapjesmarkt in Utrecht to get some supplies!

Uni-Therapy: Postal Chair 3
Uni-Therapy: Postal Chair 4
Uni-Therapy: Postal Chair 5

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