I've challenged myself many times in the past few years to complete all sorts of jigsaws and puzzles. Many of them have been difficult with varying levels of difficulty, but I now believe I've certainly met my match with this puzzle from Ravensburger.
Well where do I begin? Firstly it's 1500 pieces which is more than what I've ever attempted. Add to that, the pieces are small, after all they have to be don't they or the finished item would be huge.
Of course your probably now wondering just what this puzzle is - well it's the brand new map of the universe by Ravensburger and difficult just isn't the correct word. You see as well as the 1500 pieces being small; they are also all the same or a very similar colour - blacks, dark browns, dark blues. Basically tons of similar looking tiny pieces. Yes there are some slightly more colourful parts to the image but finding them is a challenge.
The usual way I go about puzzles would be to find the straight bits, sides, corners, whatever you want to call them - The outer bits first. However with 1500 similar looking pieces to sort through even this becomes difficult, literally needles in haystacks,
This is possibly the most difficult puzzle I've attempted and unfortunately for now I have given up. I will be attempting it again once I get a bit more time and also some puzzle glue as there is no way I intend to dismantle and re-do this one again. It features solar systems, stars, galaxies and constellations.
The final image does look pretty stunning and that's why I'm eager to do this but it's just so head baffling, maybe I need some help!
Price approximately £16.49.