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Possible Actors Who Could Be the Next James Bond

Posted on the 03 December 2015 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

As Daniel Craig’s era as Bond is coming to an end (after one more, come on he has always been contracted to it right?) But I thought after completing the Bondathon I would look to see possibilities of actors who could take on the role next.

Here are the ages the different actors started and finished as Bond. Quite interesting really as I think both Connery and Craig looked older than they were in their first films. The fact Lazenby wasn’t very popular and under the age of 30 I can’t really see them picking someone very young to take on the mantel.

Roger Moore 44-57
Timothy Dalton 42-44
Pierce Brosnan 41-49
Daniel Craig 37-47
Sean Connery 31-40
George Lazenby 29

I have literally picked loads of actors who could be possibilities, split them into different ages and tried to decide if I can see them as Bond or not. Some of them though I think would work perfectly well as a bad guy, come on don’t Brit’s seems to make the best bad guys? I was originally going to come up with 7 possible actors but I thought that was pretty impossible as we really have no idea which direction they are going in. I have stayed British with the actors listed, as let’s face it we have some very talented Brits doing us proud on the big screen! Also I have picked photo’s of them in a Tux, as come on that’s a very important part of becoming Bond. James Bond.

Too young? May just have to wait another decade? As they are probably too young at the moment, but thought I would start off with a next next generation of possibilities for the very famous role.

Nicholas Hoult (25)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Had a steady career from being a child actor and seems to be going from strength to strength. Could he be Bond? I am undecided with that one, but you could see him in role in the films somewhere.

Daniel Radcliffe (26)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Will he ever escape being Harry Potter? Time is still to tell with that one, but he has done quite a lot of theater and is building a new career. See him as Bond? Not really.

Jamie Campbell Bower (27)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Another young Brit who is picking interesting projects, doesn’t really seem to have the right look for Bond (yet anyway).

Ed Westwick (28) 

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

I am a big fan of Westwick after my Gossip Girl obsession, the charisma and charm he showed in that really says to me that he has the potential to be Bond one day.

Robert Pattinson (29)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Already a big name due to Twilight, but seems to want to be taken seriously as an actor and picks interesting projects. Bad Guy?

Jamie Bell (29)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Another former child actor who has been in many different genre’s of film. But will Billy Elliot ever become Bond?

Ideal Age! 

Henry Cavill (32)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Could Superman become James Bond. I think he could well have been within a shout if he wasn’t in that role, as would be a massive name to take on the mantel.

Eddie Redmayne (33)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

I don’t like Redmayne at all think he is an awful emotionless actor (please don’t mention Theory of Everything) so wouldn’t like to see him anywhere near Bond.

Tom Hiddleston (34)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

I don’t know if it is because of his fantastic turn as Loki that I am pushing more towards Bad Guy for Hiddleston.

Charlie Hunnam (35)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Not a massively well-known actor which is the very reason he is on the list, very good age and has a good look to him as well. Could certainly see his potential as 007!

Luke Evans (36)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Launched into the spotlight in The Hobbit has to be a very real choice for Bond, right age and good look.

James McAvoy (36)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Surely Bond would be well within McAvoy’s reach, good charisma and done a few action films already. He must be in massive contention for the role, likeable as well.

Matthew Goode (37)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

I think Goode really does have a good look for the role and with him not being a massive name it certainly is a possibility.

Dominic Cooper (37) 

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Not really convinced about his acting ability but another quite baby-faced actor. Not sure if he has what it takes to be Bond.

Jim Sturgess (37) 

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

A very talented actor who I was looking forward to seeing in a lot more films since Across the Universe, hasn’t been in a massive amount of bigger films. Could be a good choice?

Orlando Bloom (38)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Yes I know a lot of people will be complaining with having Orlando on the list, but honestly my teenage self totally made me do it! He does look younger than he actually is, never say never. I would be happy with this, don’t think anyone else would be though.

Michael Fassbender (38)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

I love Fassbender and think he is one of the best British actors currently working in film. The problem is though I really don’t think he needs Bond at the moment. Think he would be fantastic though, equally so as a bad guy. Would be an inspired choice.

Tom Hardy (38)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Still in with a good shout, an actor who really goes for it in terms of physical appearance for a role. I’d have him as Bond. But after some of his roles would he be better suited to be a totally amazing bad guy? I guess with his ability and popularity he really could pull off either role.

Benedict Cumberbatch (39)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Not the right look in my eyes, will be a perfect bad guy though! I just see him as Sherlock now. No denying that he is not a highly talented actor and has shown that in his recent film and TV roles.

Possibly too old or will be too old when the time for the next Bond arrises.

Christian Bale (41)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Batman can become Bond right? I don’t see why not, Bale is a fantastic actor and puts everything into his characters. I would love to see him as Bond, but probably has too high of a profile already. Would be interesting to see how he would spin 007 though wouldn’t it.

Jude Law (42)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

At one point in every film you went to see, seems to keep a lower profile now though. Think he has passed his best chance to become 007. Another that could just be seen as a bad guy now?

Jack Davenport (42)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Maybe not the most recognisable of actors, but he has had bit parts in some well-known films, Pirates of the Caribbean just to mention it. Could fit the mold they often pick, lesser known but age is against him now.

Damian Lewis (44)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Not really the right look in all honesty, certainly could be a bad guy.

Ewan McGregor (44)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

The Scottish actor surely could still be in the running, always been a fan of his but the wrong side of 40 to be a serious contender in my opinion. Look at him in the tux and posing next to an Aston Martin though, he really would have loved to be Bond.

Too old now but could have been once upon a time . . . I guess they still have a chance to be a bad guy! Looking at some of their previous film roles it does seem they have all had a couple of Bond style films which does make you wonder what could have been.

Gerard Butler (46)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

I just think he will be slightly too old when the chance comes along for the next Bond, which is a shame as I am sure he has the charisma to pull it off. I guess he has also had a couple of his own “Bond” style films.

Clive Owen (51)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

When Craig was chosen I remember really wanting Owen to be Bond. My mind was quickly changed when I saw Casino Royale mind. He’s played a bad guy before so won’t rule that out.

Kenneth Branagh (54)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Now wouldn’t he have brought such a different style to the role, could still make an awesome bad guy!

Colin Firth (55)

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

In the past he could have been a Bond, but he had his Bond style film with Kingsman. Maybe he could hope for a bad guy role, as that would be very interesting considering he is always Mr Nice Guy in his films. I would certainly love to see that! The more I am thinking about that the more I would love to see him as a bad guy, someone please make it happen!

Liam Neeson (63) 

Possible Actors who could be the next James Bond

Again an actor who has had his own Bond films in terms of Taken to Taken 25 I think that’s how many versions he has made of the same film now?

Who would be your top choices for the next Bond? 

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