Do you or do you not think that Portuguese is a funny language at all? For some reason, learners just find it enthralling to learn Portuguese language because aside from the various recompense they could take advantage of, they will really (I mean it!) find Portuguese language a funny language to learn.
Do you want evidences? Care to read these ten funny Portuguese quotes enlisted below and you’ll know that the language really has a funny side!
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- Cada luta é por comida quando você é um cannibal. -Demetri Martin
In English: Every fight is a food when you’re a cannibal.
- Eu queria ser ateísta, mas desisti. Eles não têm feriados. – Henry Youngman
In English: I wanted to be an atheist but I gave up. They have no holidays.
- Algumas pessoas tornam as outras felizes aonde quer que vão. Outras, quando se vão. -Oscar Wilde
In English: Some people make others happy wherever they go. Others, once they leave.
- Pode-se perceber muito sobre o caráter de um homem pelo modo como ele come aquelas balinhas coloridas de goma. -Ronald Reagan
In English: You can tell much about the character of a man by the way he eats those candy colored gums.
- Um psiquiatra é aquele camarada que te cobra o olho da cara para te fazer as mesmas perguntas que a sua esposa te faz de graça. – Joey Adams
In English: A psychiatrist is the one guy who will face charges eye to make you the same questions that your wife makes you free.
- Vamos viver de maneira tal que no dia da nossa morte até o coveiro fique triste. -Mark Twain
In English: We live in such a way that on the day of our death to the gravedigger be sad.
- Insanidade: continuar fazendo a mesma coisa e esperar resultados diferentes. – Albert Einstein
In English: Insanity: keep doing the same thing and expecting different results.
- Todos os homens da minha família têm barba – e a maioria das mulheres também. – W. C. Fields
In English: All the men in my family have a beard – and most women too.
- Noite passada, sonhei que estava comendo cinco quilos de gelatina. Quando acordei de manhã, meu travesseiro já era. – Tommy Cooper
In English: Last night I dreamed I was eating five pounds of jelly. When I woke in the morning, my pillow was gone.
- Quando você se tornar senil, você nem vai saber que está. – Bill Cosby
In English: When you become senile, you will not know who is.
I know you laughed; don’t deny it! So if ever you are really that interested in Portuguese in a language school even to the extent of enrolling it to a language school, you may inquire to our page.