I just watched the 4 minute Chipotle animation that launches their new marketing strategy. It was just posted about 2 months ago and has 7 million views. After a week, it had 4 million views.
It's about business competitors trying to out do each other and ends as a love affair with sensible food.
Is the point of this video that marketing, advertising and promotion helps you to lose site of your values? In this video the marketing and advertising influences are portrayed as the villain in the story.
Portraying Advertising as the Cause
Marketing is demonized by plenty of people, not just this video. Is it really the fault of marketing?!?!
Is marketing the problem with the fast food industry? Marketing made them put food additives into the food?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I never thought the problems at Chipotle were about excessive advertising and marketing.
Their website outlines the outbreaks in 2015 in a very straightforward crisis communications manner. Social media has rumors of an unscrupulous conspiracy designed to give them a bad name.
Maybe I missed something. Was there a secret love affair gone bad that caused the rumors (or fact) of health problems due to food?
Are they trying to redirect and blur their story?
Is this love story actually the story of how Chipolte was founded?
What is the strategy behind this animation?
Obviouly I have more questions than answers about this subject.
I originally wrote this post a few days after the short video was released, but didn't publish it. I waited because I thought I might figure it out. Instead, I'm throwing this out to my readers to explain it to me.What's the deal with this... I just don't get it? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.