Society Magazine

Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome - The Alt Archives

Posted on the 09 March 2015 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

I was most pleased to stumble today across this archive of posts put together by Scott Eric Alt chronicling the prevailing idiocy passed along by a wide variety of buffoons (sadly including Rush Limbaugh who has dropped a number of notches down my respect ladder due to his repeated manifestations of PFDS).  

I guess I shouldn't be so hard on them.  I was once a buffoon in that I would parrot much of what I'd heard about Catholicism, more times than not in complete ignorance.  And that it seems is what's happening here.

There are now 11 volumes posted at Scott's place and I'm sure there'll be more.  Here's an excerpt of his latest related piece:

Pope Fran­cis Derange­ment Syn­drome, in the sec­u­lar media, has reached a crit­i­cal mass where more and more poor souls are report­ing them­selves shocked, shocked to find that the pope is Catholic. Such gasps would trickle in before, but now they seem to be more fre­quent. Just this week­end there were two melt­downs in the lib­eral press: the first at Mar­ket­Watch, over the shock­ing dis­cov­ery that the pope is not in favor of con­tra­cep­tion; the sec­ond at the Daily Screech, over the shock­ing dis­cov­ery that the pope is not in favor of gen­der the­ory. I mean, how could such things be? And you really have to mar­vel when one of these scrib­blers turns out to be a the­ol­ogy pro­fes­sor at a uni­ver­sity that is, so we are told, Catholic. ShockedI under­stand that there are dis­si­dents at Notre Dame—we all know that!—but that any of them should be gape-jawed to learn that the pope is Catholic is a mat­ter of pro­found won­der to me. Per­haps it shouldn’t be, but it is.

I begin at Mar­ket­Watch, where Paul Far­rell writes to tell us that “Pope Fran­cis really is a cap­i­tal­ist.” Well, this will be news to Rush Lim­baugh and Adam Pshaw (he spells it “Shaw”). But Mr. Far­rell is not cowed by such names. “For­get his ant­i­cap­i­tal­ist, anti­con­sumerism rhetoric,” he says with a scorn­ful wave of the hand. The pope is a cap­i­tal­ist! and the rea­son he knows this is because the pope speaks out against arti­fi­cial birth con­trol. Watch how Mr. Far­rell makes this sin­gu­lar and aston­ish­ing leap...

It is indeed quite the leap.  Go read the rest and minimally be entertained but more likely be educated.

And keep an eye out for new posts in the series.

PFDS hasn't reached epidemic status just yet but that could certainly become a possibility as the press continues to find evidence supporting the Pope's Catholicity.

Carry on.

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