Celeb Magazine

Poor Thing: Kim Zolciak’s Precious 4-Year-Old Seed Hospitalized After Dog Attack

Posted on the 26 April 2017 by Sumithardia

Get Well: Kim Zolciak’s Son Mauled By Dog And Hospitalized
Kim Zolciak says her precious 4-year-old son suffered traumatic injuries after being attacked by a dog. She says the whole ordeal has been a “living nightmare”, while Kash, 4,  laid in a hospital bed. Kim let fans on Instagram know that she was canceling her appearance on Bravo’s “Watch What Happens Live” this week to tend to her family.

A day after her Instagram post, Kim said Kash was healthy enough to head home after his hospital stay. She acknowledged her husband Troy for rushing, with conditin in his hair to be with their son. Clearly, Troy was as scared as any father would be hearing their kid was attacked viciously by an animal.  He got their as fast as her could.

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Kim went on to thanks fans for their prayers and says she praying for a full, speedy recovery. Get well soon, little guy.

Source: bossip.com

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