Politics Magazine

Poll Shows Record Support For Legal Same-Sex Marriage

Posted on the 22 May 2014 by Jobsanger
Poll Shows Record Support For Legal Same-Sex Marriage
Poll Shows Record Support For Legal Same-Sex Marriage
The Gallup Poll has just released a new survey on the public's attitude toward the legalization of same-sex marriage. The survey was done between May 8th and 11th of a random national sample of 1,028 adults, with a margin of error of 5 points. The survey shows the highest support for legalization in the history of Gallup's polling on the issue -- with 55% supporting it and only 42% opposing it.
I thought the second chart, showing the history of Gallup's polling, was interesting. It shows just how quickly the public is changing its attitude about same-sex marriage. Although support has been inching up for it for the last couple of decades, it is only in the last four years that a majority of the public has said they support that legalization.
The tide has turned in the United States. It's no longer a question of if same-sex marriage will be legalized for the whole country, but just of how long it will take to do that -- and personally, I don't think it'll be very long at all. There are already 19 states now where same-sex couples can legally marry -- and seven others where the bans on same-sex marriage have been overturned (and stayed awaiting a decision by an appeals court). The winds of change are blowing.

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