Politics Magazine

PolitiFact Names Its "Lie Of The Year"

Posted on the 12 December 2018 by Jobsanger
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Each year PolitiFact names the biggest lie of the year. This year they named the lies told about the Parkland students following the shooting at their school as the "Lie of the Year". Here's what they said about it:
The lies went like this: David Hogg, an outspoken student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, was really a "crisis actor" coached on what to say. Hogg wasn’t even from Florida, he was from California. Students, who began to advocate for restrictions on guns, had secretly organized before the shooting or were backed by radicals with a history of violence. Another student, Emma González, was a communist with ties to Cuba. She even ripped up the U.S. Constitution. The students and the country were about to learn a hard lesson about participating in democracy in 2018. That you don’t have to be a politician to be on the receiving end of the internet’s worst hoaxes.  The attacks against Parkland’s students stand out because of their sheer vitriol. Together, the lies against the Parkland students in the wake of unspeakable tragedy were the most significant falsehoods of 2018. We name them PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year. Read our full report.
They also give their readers the opportunity to pick the lie they consider to be the biggest lie of the year. Here are the results of their poll of readers:
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