Economics Magazine

Police Profiling & Brutality Caught On Camera (Video)

Posted on the 02 September 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
The whole thing was caught on camera when two young black men, Tywonn Mitchell, 20, and Naybon Moore, 26, both fully aware of their rights because one is studying criminal justice and the other is studying law, were confronted in a Coney Island restaurant by two police officers, demanding their ID and then then brothers demanded to know what they had done wrong, (as you can hear in the video).
Admittedly the brothers were upset and raised their voices because they felt they were being profiled and harassed because the cops followed them into the building and started in on them.
It all started when Tywonn Mitchell, 20, and Naybon Moore, 26, were driving to Grandy's Coney Island back in May. They say that's when Detroit police officers began profiling them, tailing their car.  
 The brothers pulled into the restaurant and the police car backed away, so they thought everything was fine.

The video clearly shows the cop pushed one of the men and the man  flipped his hands up, pushing the cops hands off of him, then the cop simply slugged them both.
The two men fought back, they admit to it, and ended up arrested, charged and even with the video showing the cops harassing the two black men for no reason, and who touched who first, the two African-American young men were determined to be in the wrong.
With so many good cops in this country, it is thugs like the two cops in this video that taint the uniform and cause distrust of the police and give meaning to the term "police state."

Police Profiling & Brutality Caught On Camera (Video)
Cross posted at Before It's News

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