A Japanese stop-motion animated series, Pokémon Concierge, debuted on Netflix on December 28, 2023. It follows Haru, a new concierge at the Pokémon Resort, striving to ensure her guests have a comfortable vacation despite her own inner struggles. With a favorable IMDb rating of 7.5/10, fans eagerly await news of Pokémon Concierge season 2, including updates on its renewal, release date, cast, and trailer.
About Pokémon Concierge
The series focuses on Haru’s journey as a concierge at a resort, navigating the challenges of her new role while aiming to provide exceptional hospitality to guests seeking rest and relaxation.
Genre Adventure
Based on Pokémon by The Pokémon Company
Written by Harumi Doki
Directed by Iku Ogawa
Starring Rena Nōnen
Karen Fukuhara
Theme music composer Mariya Takeuchi
Country of origin Japan
United States
Original language Japanese
No. of seasons 1
No. of episodes 4
Production companies The Pokémon Company
Dwarf Studio
Netflix Animation
Network Netflix
Will Pokémon Concierge Return for Season 2?
The first four episodes premiered on December 28, 2023, sparking enthusiasm among fans for more from Pokémon Concierge. On February 20, 2024, Netflix confirmed that additional episodes are in production, although it’s yet to be officially labeled as Pokémon Concierge Season 2. Nonetheless, viewers can anticipate further adventures and encounters with the endearing residents of the Pokémon resort.
Release date of Pokémon Concierge season 2
Following the recent announcement of new episodes, the series is expected to return later this year. However, neither the production team nor Netflix has announced the exact release date. Director Iku Ogawa shared with Variety, “Life at the Pokémon Resort continues. Please look forward to it! Let’s see which Pokémon will come visit as a guest this time!”
As of now, there is no trailer available for season 2 of Pokémon Concierge.
Cast of Pokémon Concierge season 2
The voice cast from the initial episodes is expected to reprise their roles in the upcoming season.
Character Japanese Voice English Voice
Haru Non Karen Fukuhara
Alisa Fairouz Ai Imani Hakim
Tyler Okuno Eita Josh Keaton
Ms. Watanabe Takemura Yoshiko Lori Alan
Plot of Pokémon Concierge season 2
Producer Hidenaga Katakami hinted at potential themes and Pokémon appearances for future episodes. He mentioned to Variety, “Given the island setting and proximity to water, we see a lot of water-type Pokémon. In future episodes, we may explore more water-types, or perhaps introduce electric-types and observe their interactions in a water-rich environment.”
Where can I watch Pokémon Concierge season 2?
Fans can catch the eagerly awaited episodes exclusively on Netflix.
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