![POEM: Mystical River Moment [PoMo – Day #2: Shakespearean Sonnet] POEM: Mystical River Moment [PoMo – Day #2: Shakespearean Sonnet]](https://m5.paperblog.com/i/273/2737901/poem-mystical-river-moment-pomo-day-2-shakesp-L-LSSZup.jpeg)
The burbling sounds did clarify my mind. Somehow, the flowing stream was one with me, and sitting down just at the riverbend, I felt more flowing rhythm than I could see. Some part of me was whisked in search of sea, though my body sat at the muddy edge. I know not how a part of me could flee -- just pure potential, being on a ledge. I lost the river like one loses blood. It's there, but [unseen] becomes all and none. Each is swept along swiftly by a scud, but seem so still when you and it are one. The mystic moment comes then flits away, and I am left with nothing fine to say.