Society Magazine

POEM: In an Ancient Village

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

Seven years down the road
with dirty feet and no abode
I’d wander to and fro
along the narrow streets
of an ancient village
And when the monster came for me
I did not even claim to see
his vile disfigurement
in the dim winter light
in that ancient village
For years I tried to sail away
having failed to keep the beast at bay
but my ship  always
circled back ’round
to that ancient village
Then they’d throw me in some grimy pit
with scarcely room to for me to sit
and I’d whisper curses
under my breath
about that ancient village.
Then the monster would call on me
and all the townspeople would flee
as I wreaked havoc
on the town square
of that ancient village

Tags: poem, poetry

By in poem, Poetry on March 17, 2013.

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