Society Magazine

POEM: Good & Evil

By Berniegourley @berniegourley

POEM: Good & EvilGood & Evil -
Mankind's most devastating invention.

Good & Evil
don't feature in nature.

The rule of nature is:


Sometimes it's nourishing shit that grows big ears of corn.
Sometimes it's infected shit that cripples the village with E. coli,

but it's all just days playing out.
-a big, indifferent system burning energy.

Nature doesn't care that your worldview requires everything be the result of a reason.
Nature's reason is that something must happen,
and anytime something happens it has effects -
it's just that humans have to go sticking their labels
onto those effects: good / bad, naughty / nice, tall / grande.

Good & Evil
are cultural constructs,

but - oh my! -
what we haven't done with them:

-global wars
-hellscapes scraped into the world's sensitive bits.

This may all sound unfair to GOOD.
Sure, EVIL is... well, evil,
"But why you gonna go crap on GOOD?"
one might ask.

Because GOOD is a line that can be hatefully drawn.

Or, if you prefer,
a box that can be hatefully placed
to separate what's loved and hated -

or who is loved and who is hated.

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