Image by Menage a Moi.
We are still learning about the coronavirus (aka COVID-19 or SARS-COV-2).I usually read as a way to digest information.
However, I have been exploring podcasts as a way to learn about the current pandemic.
By using various search terms on Spotify, I found dozens and dozens of podcasts on COVID-19.
There are many more episodes about the virus / the pandemic within existing podcasts.
Also, some podcasts are shifting their focus to content exclusive to COVID-19 or away from it to broader issues of science, medicine, or culture. This means that over time my descriptions for these podcasts may not be accurate.
To date, I have listened to at least one episode of 50 podcasts dedicated to COVID-19.Some were too technical, some included too much banter between the hosts, some had poor quality, some repeated information from other podcasts. And 50 podcasts are just too many for anyone to follow!
My Favorites COVID-19 (aka C19) Podcasts
In Random Order

Bloomberg. M-F with a run time around 13 minutes
This news agency draws on 120 bureaus around the world, but each episode is focused on a C19 issue such as masks, a specific outbreak, or a demographic

BBC World Service. Daily with a run time around 5 minutes
With international travel, linked economies, immigration, and shared natural resources, we are all global citizens. BBC gives brief updates on key headlines from around the world.

CIDRAP. Wednesdays with a run time around 55 minutes
Dr. Michael Osterholm is the founder and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. He usually discusses two or three topics, and he answers questions submitted by listeners.

Lemonade Media. Twice Weekly with a run time around 45 minutes
Slavitt used to run Medicare/Medicaid. He's now at home with his family, sharing his insights and interviewing experts. His 17 year-old-son Zach also participates a little, bringing in a valuable perspective.

iHeart Radio. Once or Twice Daily with a run time around 10 minutes
Oscar Ramirez covers an array of C19 issues, but he keeps an eye on what we need to do control and defeat the virus so that we can reopen schools, businesses, services, etc.

CDC. Once or Twice Weekly with a run time around 25 minutes
These podcasts can be a little technical because they are covering research about C19. But even if I only get only part of the content, it's more than I would have known previously.

CNN. Daily with a run time around 10 minutes
Dr. Sanya Gupta presents key headlines and conducts short interviews with experts about C19 without getting technical.

Johns Hopkins. Daily with a run time around 17 minutes
The Bloomberg School of Public Health does discuss the scientific aspects of C19 in many of its podcasts, but much of its content focuses on social, emotional and cultural dimensions of the pandemic.

Just Human. Twice Weekly with a run time around 30 minutes
Dr. Celine Gounder and Ronald Klain interview nationally and internationally renown experts on topics related to C19. At times the conversation gets technical, but I find most of it is accessible.

Vaccine 411 LINK
Sounds That Brand. Twice Weekly with a run time around 2 minutes
This podcast briefly lists how many vaccines are in development (130 plus), which have advanced to stage 2 or 3, which have moved past that, and which private company or government is sponsoring the R&D, production, or dissemination of the vaccines that are the furthest along.

FiveThirtyEight. Twice Weekly with a run time around 25 minutes
Even though Nate Silver is a statistician, these podcasts take a broader view on issues related to C19 with episodes dedicated to topics such as herd immunity, debunked treatments, vaccines in development.
My favorites may not include what will end up being your favorite C19 podcast! So here is a list without descriptions or links to the ones that didn't make the cut based on my preferences.
Expert vs Lay Person. Some of the C19 podcasts are conducted by people who have MDs and/or PhDs in virology, infectious diseases, serology, or public health. I was impressed, but most of the content was going over my head.
Time. Most COVID-19 podcasts that run between the 10 minute to 50 minute range.
Frequency. The frequency ranges from weekly to twice daily or somewhere in between.
An Embarrassment of Riches!
These podcasts range from 1 minute AP news-wire updates published multiple times a day to 2 hour technical discussions between medical experts who talk once or twice a month.

I found these podcasts on Spotify, but many are also available in other places.
- America Dissected by Crooked Media
- BBC Inside Science
- Doctor Vaughan's COVID-19 Updates*
- Coronavirus 411 by Sound That Brands via William Corbin
- Coronavirus, Briefly by WBUR of the Boston Metro Area
- Coronavirus Chronicle by the Houston Chronical*
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Q&A by JAMA Network*
- Coronavirus Update by James Watkins
- COVID-19 Common Sense by InsideTheBoards and Ars Longa Media*
- COVID-19 LST Report host Jasmine Rah
- COVID-19 (was Daily, now) Weekly by RadioMD
- COVID-19: What's Next by the University of Toronto
- COVID Daily News: Coronavirus Developments with ND & BT*
- Epidemiology Counts
- Infectious Diseases Society of America
- Mayo Clinic Talks. This has a lot of C19 content right now.
- Newswatch: COVID-19 Updates from the Associated Press
- NPR: Consider This. They did rename this to be a daily C19 update for a time.
- Pandemic: Coronavirus Edition
- Pandemic Economics by University of Chicago
- TWIV: This Week in Virology
- Viral: COVID-19 host Ian Doyle
Settings That Heighten Risk of Transmitting COVID-19