Good afternoon!
Storytelling and putting it all together—that’s the topic of today’s quick podcast. How do you begin to construct your story? Do you write in a linear fashion? Do you write the ending before you begin? Do you write out-of-order and then piece it all together?
That’s the chat we’re having today on the podcast. And I’m sure I’ve left things out as I try to keep these recordings short and sweet. If I’ve neglected a way in which you write, please post in the comments and share with others. As we continue to build this community of writers, it’s important to share and boost others up. As a former high school cheerleader, as someone who worked in pro baseball, and as a current college professor, I have cheerleading in my blood, and I want to help others begin and continue the process without having it feel daunting.
I hope you’ll feel optimistic after today’s podcast.
Wash your hands, stay safe, and keep writing!