Debate Magazine

Podcast # 9 - Andrew Hammel, Anti-Jewish Violence at Kings College, and a "Palestinian of African Descent with Roots in Brazil."

Posted on the 22 January 2016 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
This one is also about ten minutes long wherein I point to the blogging of Andrew Hammel, resident of Dusseldorf, concerning the German immigration crisis. This is a gentleman with something to say and I very much recommend checking him out.
I also talk a little bit about an article from Legal Insurrection concerning violent student protests against Jews Israel that, much like in the good old days of Nazi Germany, are becoming more and more fashionable on western college campuses. I have had my personal run-in with this kind of thing before at San Francisco State University which is among the most racist / anti-Semitic colleges in the United States.
Finally, I talk a little about the United Nation's "International Decade for People of African Descent" in which they used the event to highlight a woman who says that she is a "Palestinian of African Descent with Roots in Brazil."
I have no doubt that it is my own loathsome prejudices shining through but for the life of me I cannot imagine how a "Palestinian" can be not only of African descent, but also with roots in Brazil?
I always thought that the people who self-identify as "Palestinian" - once the Jews gave up that descriptor in favor of "Israeli" after the War of Independence - to be Arabs?

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