We are walking in a blind alley where we can instantly get access to the sin, but we have no way out. The modern technology in the shape of contemporary cell phone devices is the very overwhelming temptation –it is like you have put a packet of cigarettes in your child or teen and you are warning smoking is injurious to health.
The world’s youth is on fire the day they have filled up their pockets with the modern mobile phones connected to the internet. The bitter truth is that pornography is continuously taking down our young kids and teens to the fullest. Today, the pocket porn is easily accessible whenever you want and besides it the hookups via Tinder and other social media app making it quite easier to act ours as sexual fantasies with the swipe feature of an instant messaging app.
The dating and relationships norms have faded away. But currently, the traditional dating and get involve in relation has declined when you can click to have a sex rather than getting involved in long-term relationships. On the other hand, young kids and teens have become the victim of sexual exploitation through pocket porn.
Consumer Stats from NCOSE about porn
- 14% of the young kids and teens between the age of 13 -18 are a frequent viewer of adult content online
- Tweens and teens are more likely to addicted to adult videos and images
- Tween and teens between the age of 13 -18 who consumed carnal videos and images have significantly become the victim of sexual harassment.
- According to the Meta-analysis of 22 studies from almost seven countries that young kids and teens who watch porn are more likely have physical and verbal aggression
- U.K study stated that young boys between the age of 11-16 who are addicted to the adult material online get ideas about to have sex they actually want to try in real–life.
- 624000 child porn traders have been discovered in the U.S, according to the Innocent Justice
- 34% of the young children and teens are exploited to the sexual content via pop-ups, ads and others alike, WebRoot stated that
How technology prevailing Pocket porn & the consequences?
It’s not been so long when people used to print porn images and sent it to the customers via postal services. However, printed carnal images or adult magazine are gone away. It’s been reportedly stated that NCMEC, the U.S postal inspection service, and many other law enforcement agencies have put the barrier on this illegal and unethical trade. But over the last few years scenarios have been changed and the internet has come forward. It provides people able to share carnal content in the shape of videos, and images instantly and anonymously. The advancement in digital photography and videography has changed the course of adult content and today young generation has become addicted to it by using cellphones connected to the internet.
However, digital technology has made it very easy, cheap and effective to create adult images and videos that even cannot be detected. Even the young kids and teens get involved in self–Obscenity and share to the cyberspace. Sexual content is continuously exploiting the young generation towards sextortion.
Young teens get involved in uncommitted sexual activities, sexting, hookups and rather than to have a long-term traditional relationship. The use of instant messaging apps all day long turns teens to interact with online predators such as stalkers and sexual predators. Mostly young teenage girls become obsessed with sexual content when they first stalked or sexually exploited online or in real life by the sexual predator. Finally, when they come to know that they have just sexually trapped and most people trust and try to find out other sources of sexual urge such as adult videos over the internet. The obsession with adult content causes them to anger, hopelessness, depression and other psychological disorders.
Digital devices & easy access to the digital world
Since the advancement of the technology has taken place everyone has owned digital devices such as cell phones, gadgets, and computer machines. People have easy to the cyberspace and they can browse any kind of websites and use apps on their mobile phone and computer devices running with the different operating system.
On the other hand, the young generation seems fascinating with the use of modern cell phones and laptop and desktop computer machines. They can easily get exploited with the pop-ups, Ads, and others to the adult content. In modern times, young kids and teens are the most frequent users and obsessed with the sexual content over the internet.
Moreover, social media has oiled the wheels of modern youth to visit and get access to the carnal content. However, they even used to of sharing the sexual material over the social media apps and websites such as Facebook, Yahoo, Snapchat, WhatsApp and plenty of others alike. Additionally, Facebook over the few weeks has announced that we have removed more than 8.7 million pieces of content that cause child and teen’s nudity or sexual exploitation.
How parents should stop kids & teens from pocket Porn?
If your kids and teens are about to step in adultery then you should discuss with your child on developing a healthy sense of sexuality rather access artificial and dangerous sexual stuff. Tell your children cell phones are not to take sexual stuff in your pocket. Guide your kids and teens don’t get exploited with the sexual content over the social media and websites especially using mobile phones connected to the internet.
Experts say communication is the only tool that raises your child with a healthy sense of sexuality. Give your children enough courage to talk you about their sexuality such as girls with mothers and boys with their father. Then you will be able to guide your children don’t get involve sexting on a cell phone, don’t use sneaky sexting codes, get involve sharing nudity and encourage them to perform extracurricular activities.

Use TheOneSpy parental control app against Pocket porn
Simply you just need to set parental control on your kids and teens cell phone devices. Once you have done with parental control then you can remotely get access to all browsing logs and social media activities of your children in real time and with the complete time stamp.
Bottom Line:
Technology has created issues such as we have discussed in this post. However, you can use the technology against such issues as to get parental control on your children digital devices. Moreover, having sex is all about loving, giving and serving. But keeping porn in pocket turns you towards dominating, talking and controlling. Sex is similar to fire, it suits in the campfire, but horrible in a forest fire and the Generation Z is on fire.